The procedure for preparing tender (procurement) projects for companies

The first stage of the procedure for preparing tender projects for companies is applying for the right legal assistance in preparing tender projects that are drafted in accordance with the law, including providing proper advice on how to conduct tenders, announcements and observance of basic conditions.

The drafting of tender (procurement) rules for companies, compliance with a set of basic conditions is ensured by law on the basis of the principles of transparency, equality and competitiveness.

What is tender (procurement)?

The concept of tender is reflected in the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On Public Procurement": "Competition is held for the best choice of bids submitted in hard copy or electronic form."

Relationships with public procurement are governed by the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On Public Procurement", other laws and regulations of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

It should also be noted that any resident or non-resident legal or natural person, including legal entities, may participate as public bidders in public procurement procedures in the Republic of Azerbaijan, except as provided in the regulations governing public procurement.

How is the tender conducted?

The bidding process shall be conducted by the procedures set out in the bidding process at the time and place determined by the tender commission and shall be opened in the order in which the bids are submitted. The names, addresses, bid prices, bids of each bidder are announced to the bidders.

Tender announcement

The tender announcement is, in other words, one of the most important aspects of the bid. The tender announcement will contain information about the bidder, date and place of the tendering process, tax and duty privileges, if any, for the tender documents, contact information for the contact person and fax number for additional information.

Also, the terms and conditions of the tender offer, the name, quantity, place of delivery, the nature and location of the works to be done, the description and location of the services to be provided, the required timeframe for delivery of goods or works, the amount and payment procedures; language or languages on which the bidding package is compiled, the date and place of the bids submission, and other information.

Legal services related to tender (procurement) projects for companies

Legal Store offers legal services for companies to draft tender (procurement) draft laws, and ensure that procurement is organized based on the principles of transparency, transparency, equality and competitiveness.

Apply here to receive the service online.

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